How much does it cost?
Clinic Fee - $200
IMMP Fee - $100
Reduced Rates
Federal Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
SSDI-$50 SSI-$50
How long does it take?
Once all required paperwork has been received and the application form has been completed and mailed to the Department, the approval process and issuance of cards takes about 5-6 weeks.
How do I qualify?
- You must must be formally diagnosed of a qualifying debilitating medical condition
- Must have a signed physician certification
- Must be an Illinois resident and be able to present proof of residency
- Must be at least 18 years old with proof of qualifying patient’s age
See if you qualify:
Qualifying Conditions
If you’re not sure which conditions qualify for an Illinois medical marijuana card, look here
See a complete overview of the process of obtaining a medical marijuana card
We have compiled a list of dispensary resources all across Illinois
Information about caregivers in the state of Illinois.
An overview of legal resources for the Illinois Medical Marijuana Program
Read many different research reports regarding medical marijuana and specific conditions
Qualifying patients and/or designated caregivers are not allowed by law to grow or cultivate medical marijuana.