The law provides for the registration and operation of medical cannabis dispensing organizations, which are authorized to acquire, possess, or dispense medical cannabis or related supplies and educational materials to registered qualifying patients or registered designated caregivers.
The State Medical Marijuana Program also provides the operation of cultivation centers, which are facilities registered by the Department of Agriculture to perform “necessary activities” to provide registered dispensing organizations only with usable medical cannabis.
Visiting a Dispensary
A qualifying patient or designated caregiver, acting in behalf of the patient, may visit any of the medical marijuana dispensaries nearest to his location for the needed medical cannabis and related supplies.
Prior to the distribution or release of medical cannabis, the dispensary shall check the registry identification card of the individual patient or caregiver to verify that the person requesting to obtain medical marijuana is the patient, or the designated caregiver as appeared on the registry card.
Starting a Dispensary
A dispensing organization may operate only if it has been issued a registration from the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (DFPR). An applicant for registration shall submit the following in accordance with the rules of DFPR:
- A non-refundable application fee established by the Department;
- The proposed legal name and physical address of the dispensing organization;
- The name, address, and date of birth of each principal officer of the dispensing organization, providing that all of those individuals shall be at least 21 years of age;
- Information in writing of any instance that any of the prospective board members/principal officers have been convicted, fined, censured, or had a registration suspended or revoked due to administrative or judicial proceedings;
- Proposed operating by-laws including procedures for overseeing the operations of the dispensing organizations and procedures to ensure accurate records-keeping and security measures;
- Proposed by-laws and procedures showing the description of the enclosed, locked facility where medical cannabis will be stored by the dispensing organization;
- Signed document by the staff and agents of the dispensing organizations on the non-diversion of medical cannabis.
The Dispensary, LLC
District 1
TGS Illinois, LLC
District 6
Nature’s Treatment of Illinois, Inc.
District 7
Nu Med RX, LLC
District 8
Trinity MMJ, LLC
District 8
Maribis of Springfield, LLC
District 9
Nu Med RX, LLC
District 10
Pheonix Farms of Illinois, LLC
District 10
TGS Illinois, LLC
District 11
NH Medicinal Dispensaries, Inc.
District 12
Terra Herbal Health, LLC
District 13
Evergreen Dispensary
District 14